Top 10 part time jobs for students

Top 10 part time jobs for students 

A part-time job is a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job.  Friends, today where there is disaster everywhere, there is running, inflation has increased so much, everyone wants to earn a little more money and that is why if someone takes tuition after job, then someone manages his shop, some in factory If he works overtime, someone goes to work in different factories in the morning and evening, where both husband and wife are earning. If students are, then think of reducing the burden of parents by earning a little something. And in the middle-class families, much of the same will be seen. Someone looking for a part time job and someone looking for a part time job will be found.

So I am also a student of class 12 and I do blogging as part time.

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TOP 10 part time jobs for students 

Top 10 part time jobs for students;

1. Part-time Blogging;

This is the best option for students who would like to take up a part-time job. Be it paid or free, create a website and try to update it regularly. Once the blog gets reasonable traffic, one can make money through it by displaying ads and promoting various products.Blogging is so simple that you have to create your own website where you write and share your stuff that is interesting and engaging with others.There are many CMS platform like Blogger, Word Press which makes easier for newbies to start a blog.

You can start a blog for anything such as an educational blog, tourist blog, tutorial blog, cooking blog, fitness blog, gaming blog, gadgets blog and so on. It depends on your own passion and interest.

2. Affiliate Marketing;

Affiliate marketing is the best option for college students to work in their leisure time. It is having a greater potential to earn more revenue.Affiliate marketing means selling a product or service of other merchants and they will share a percentage of revenue with you for the sales made on behalf of them.

If you are looking for more money while pursuing education, then affiliate marketing is the best option. One can join any of the affiliate programs such as Amazon and Flipkart to promote their products. The risk is zero in this part-time job because shipment and product maintenance will be taken care of by the concerned teams.

You can do this as an online part time job at home either by promoting their link in your social networks, blogging, email marketing, etc.

3. Work as a Freelancer;

A freelance job is one that a person does for themselves instead of a being employed by company and can involve client work for organisations. A freelancer is essentially self-employed and work comes from all over the employment sector.

This includes a huge variety of companies, ranging from very small to very large. Organisations, non-profits, and even government agencies all often hire contract freelancers. Due to the wide scope of freelancing options, there’s work in essentially every career field and can vary between one-off jobs to long term projects.Work  can also be offered directly to client or can focus on general areas like those listed above or can be dialled in to specific industries that require niche entry,Translating,Content Writer, etc are the example of feelancer part time job. 

4. Micro Jobs;

Micro jobs are the tasks that can be completed in a few seconds to a few minutes that require real human effort to complete the task.

There is a large need for micro-task workers worldwide as many companies have jobs that can’t be done by any tool or software.

Usually, you will be paid between Rs.5/- to Rs.100/- for every completed task.Micro jobs are always the best online part time jobs for students because completing tasks may require only a little time.

Work as a part-time in sites like Amazon Mechanical Turk, Crowd flower,microworker etc and make money.

5. YouTube Videos;

There is no need to introduce YouTube. One can earn money from this site through ads in the uploaded videos. If you are maintaining a channel with reasonable subscribers, you will see more money,

Imagine, how you feel if that video earns you money. Yes, you can make a part-time income just by uploading the video to your YouTube account by creating a channel.You can shoot any videos that should be original and interesting. Just upload them to your YouTube account and monetize it with Google Ad Sense.

6. Sell your Photos and Make Money;

you take your pics, there are a growing number of ways to monetise photos you've already taken. And there are heaps more ways to develop your photography skills (and income) from selling your Insta stock to going all out and making a photo book.

Get paid between up to Rs.1000/- per photo uploaded to their server.

College students generally have some creativity and there are sites that will reward you with money.If you are willing you can even work 1 – 2Hrs daily part-time to take photographs of nature, animals, tourism places, picnic spots, etc. Upload them and make money.

7. Survey Filling Jobs;

You might have heard a lot about “online survey jobs” because these are the very famous online part time jobs in India.

Many manufacturing companies from all around the world are ready to spend millions of dollars in preliminary research.This research will help to get ideas and suggestions from people like us about their new product launch or service refinement.But they don’t directly involve in research activities instead they contact online survey companies who are responsible portals for conducting surveys.

The market companies offer survey opportunities and these survey portals select us from their database based on our profile.

8. Become an Online Tutor;

If you are an expert in any subject, you can take up online tutoring as a part-time job. Students can do this while sitting at home through online facilities such as Skype. One can enrol in any education forum to find clients or customers.

Join those sites like,, Tutor Vista, and submit your resume.Online tutoring jobs are best suitable if you know everything in that field.

9. Social Media Influencer;

Social media influencing offers a great opportunity for students to start a part time job form home.

A social media influencer is the mainstream, influential person in social media networks, who promote products and services of a brand. You can also define social media influencer as a person who works in a certain industry and collaborate with followers in it. It is also an individual who is able to impact the individual’s purchases because of his authority or relationship with target customers. He can have his own blog with a reliable audience or a social media account, providing specific content interesting for his subscribers.To be in this profession you should know how to create content that draws people to your social media profile. To start with, you should have more than 5000 followers to fit into the social media influencer category.

10. Complete Gigs on Fiverr;

Fiverr, a very popular site where the Employer and Employees meet one another.The employer can choose his Employee and Employee can choose his Employer.There are many numbers of jobs available in Fiverr starting from $5.Free Online jobs are available in various categories such as Design and Graphics, Digital Marketing, Programming, video making, animator, photo editor, writing jobs, etc. If you were an expert on any of these fields you can immediately start to work and Earn. Just set up your profile in Fiverr, and bid on Gigs.Complete on time and get paid. The best option available for college students to choose from 100’s of available home based online jobs in India. 

data entry,Translating,Content Writer,online tutor etc are the example of this part time job. 

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